Frequenly Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to the questions we get the most often.
If you are missing something, please contact us by phone or e-mail.

  • Cash Processing 21
  • We have received notification that a cheque/money order was not handed over
    From 1 October 2019 Loomis is unfortunately no longer allowed to accept cheques, money orders and money orders. The reason is that the Banking Association has decided to close down the possibility of debit transactions. Our advice is that you contact your bank if you have checks etc.
  • We have sent in a deposit but forgot to add up the deposit specification
    We always deposit the amount that is in the bag, but there may be some delay in the transfer to your bank account. There will be an error code for the difference in the daily cash register.
  • What happens if I don't send in the form with some important information that I received from you?
    If we do not receive the information we need, we may not be able to perform all services. Read more on our page on customer awareness.
  • We lack a receipt for deposit
    Contact our customer service with the bag's number, amount and state when you put the bag in the Loomis service box or we collected the bag from you.

    Don't you usually get a receipt? Contact our customer service with your customer number and the email address you want us to send the receipts to.
  • We can deposit checks in the daily cash register. Can we also deposit checks from a foreign bank?

    From 1 October 2019 Loomis is unfortunately no longer allowed to accept cheques, money orders and money orders. Due to this, Loomis' special regulations are being updated.

    New regulations for deposit.   New regulations for transport.

    The reason is that the Banking Association has decided to close down the possibility of debit transactions. Our advice is that you contact your bank if you have checks etc.

  • How do I notify my deposit?
    See our instructions by opening this document

    Notify deposit.pdf
  • What does "ID in transfers" mean?
    You will see the bag's number on the account statement, if you want another reference number, fill it in here, for example the store ID if you have it.
  • When will we have our deposit in the account?
    In normal cases, you have the deposit in the account two banking days after Loomis has emptied the service box.
  • Can I get my deposit to any bank?
    Loomis can make deposits to all banks in Sweden except Bankgirot, JAK Medlemsbank and foreign banks.
  • We have handed in several bags at the same time but only some have been credited to the account
    It happens that bags that come in to be counted at the same time are separated and counted at different times.

    In normal cases, remaining deposits enter the account at the next file transmission.
  • Security colored banknotes

    To prevent banknotes from criminal activity from being used as means of payment, ink cartridges are used to discolour the banknotes in the event of an attack. Banknotes colored with banknote protection are not valid as a means of payment, as a trader you should be careful and not accept these banknotes.

    Examples of colored banknotes

    There are several types of banknote protection color: red, black, blue, purple, pink and green and combinations of these colors. The amount of color may vary and the color may also have bleached, for example, when washing the banknote, which creates other shades.

    The inking can be anywhere on the banknote but is often along the edges. Sometimes the notes only have small dots of color. Some banknote protection colors fluoresce when illuminated with a UV lamp. On the Riksbank's website there are examples of how banknotes colored with different types of banknote protection ink can look.

    Banknotes colored with banknote protection paint are not valid as means of payment, so be careful and do not accept these banknotes.

    If you have a banknote that has been colored with banknote protection ink, you will not receive a refund for it. If, on the other hand, the banknote is colored with something other than banknote protection colour, you can exchange the banknote at a bank. Read more about how to proceed on the Riksbank's website.

    See also
    Examples of security colored banknotes

  • How do we change account numbers for our deposits?
    If you are a direct customer of Loomis Sweden AB, contact our customer service to fill in a new power of attorney.

    Please note that if you are a customer through a bank, you need to contact your bank contact for account changes. The bank then informs us of your new account number.

    If you have changed company form, see FAQ Agreement.
  • The Loomis service box/shifter is broken, what do I do?
    Call 010-163 63 00 and we will report the error immediately.
  • How do we fill in the specification?
    See the brochure Manage your deposit
  • Why have we received a Sparbank payment in return?
    We cannot redeem so-called SPU payments. They must be redeemed at your local Swedbank office.
  • How many coins can we put in a bag?
    The agreement states how many coins you have the right to put in the bag.
  • What applies when you send in coins with postal parcels?
    Loomis Commitment
    Loomis undertakes to receive, count and deposit Swedish coins that arrive in postal packages from customers who have a valid agreement regarding deposit services with Loomis.

    Customer's commitment
    The customer undertakes to only send in valid Swedish coins, addressed and packaged in accordance with the instructions valid at any time on

    Loomis' responsibility
    Loomis is responsible for sent coins from the time Loomis has received and acknowledged the parcel at the above address until the coins have been counted and deposited into the bank account notified by the customer.
  • We are missing a deposit
    Contact our customer service with the bag's number, amount and state when you put the bag in the Loomis service box or we collected the bag from you.

    Please note that if you are a customer through a bank, you must contact your bank contact.
  • How is a difference in the bag communicated?
    On the receipt that you receive from Loomis after your bag has been counted, any difference is stated. In the note field, you can see what the difference consisted of. (Ex Difference + SEK 1000, Note 2 * 500 means that there have been two more 500 bills in the day's cash register than what you indicated on your specification).
  • Invalid banknotes
    If you leave invalid notes to us, we will charge a fee to cover the handling costs, information about this is shown on the receipt. The Riksbank can redeem invalid banknotes for a fee of SEK 100. The Riksbank has more information.
  • We no longer receive deposit receipts via email from Loomis
    Some of our customers' e-mail servers have started treating our e-mails as so-called spam, this means that we do not reach out with receipt information to some of you. To prevent this, there are some checks one can do to fix the problem.

    1) Add the domain and the e-mail address as trusted senders in your firewall / Spam filter / mail gateway" (done by your IT department or e-mail provider).

    2) Make sure that there is space in your inbox to receive e-mail so that it does not become full and thus unable to receive new messages.
  • We would need bigger bags than we use now
    Check your contract which size you can use.

    Loomis service box customers can only use the standard size of the bag as the larger model risks getting stuck in the service box.

    Contact our customer service to get a login to weborder or request that the article be added to your login in Loomis weborder.
  • How many bags and specifications should we order?
    Remember to order enough bags and specifications to last you at least 6 months. It will be cheaper for you.
  • We would have to order coin bags

    Check in your contract whether you are allowed to send in coin bags.

    Contact our customer service to order or request that the article be added to your login in the Loomis web order.

  • How long will it take before we receive our delivery of bags and specifications?
    If you order via your own login on My Pages, you should receive your delivery within three working days.
  • We need to order barcode labels
    Nowadays, the barcode is preprinted on your specification, so the barcode label is no longer needed.
  • Register deposits easily via our Loomis Cash Manager app

    One of our latest news is that you can notify your deposit via the Loomis Cash Manager app,which you can install on your mobile device where you usually download apps.

    Introductory video available here.

    Instructional video available here.

  • How do I send in coins via in-store pickup?
    You need a reinforced coin bag, which you order via My pages. If you do not already have a login to My Pages, you can create a login yourself under My Pages/Order material or call our Customer Service on 010-163 63 00 and we will help you.

    How to use
    Order your coin bags on Mina Sidor.
    Fill the bag with Swedish coins, max 7 kg.
    Enclose your usual deposit specification, one in each bag.
    Leave the coins to the Loomis cash conveyor in connection with regular collection.
    The money is counted and deposited into your account.
    Price: For each deposit, the regular deposit price plus SEK 159 is invoiced.

    Important! When depositing coins, you must use the reinforced coin bag. If you have coin rolls, these must be broken before the coins are put into the coin bag.

    For larger quantities of coins, a separate coin transport is ordered either here on My pages or customer service on phone 010-163 63 00.
  • How do I send in coins by parcel post?

    As a customer of Loomis, you have the option of sending in your coins by postal package. All that is needed is a domestic postal package from any logistics provider.

    This is how it works
    Pack the coins in one or more durable bags. You can e.g. use your regular security bags from Loomis.
    Seal the bag or bags and place them in the postal package.
    Include one of your standard Loomis deposit specifications. You don't need to count the coins or enter the amount.
    Seal the package well so that no coins risk leaking out.
    Send the package with any logistics provider to:

    Loomis Sweden AB
    Torggatan 5
    431 35 Mölndal
    The money is counted and deposited into your account.
    Price: For each deposit, the regular deposit price plus 6% of the listed amount is invoiced.

    Important! Don't forget the deposit specification. If deposit specification is missing, we will start an investigation to find the sender and then match it with our customer record. As this is a time-consuming task, we are forced to charge an extra fee.

    Do you have questions about depositing coins or any of our other services? Email or call us on 010-163 63 00 and we will help you!

  • We have ordered change but only received the coins or notes
    On certain occasions, notes and coins are driven out in two separate cars and can then arrive at different times of the day to you.
  • When do we have to order our switch?
    The order must be received by the order reception no later than 10:00 a.m., two bank days before delivery. Web orders can be placed no later than 10:30 two business days before delivery. We can accommodate a late order for an additional fee.

    You can only order gear for the days you have transport.
  • Our next collection or delivery falls on a holiday, what do we do?
    Check your contract if you have collection on public holidays.

    You can order extra transport under My pages.

    We carry out all extra orders we are able to.
  • We are waiting for collection/delivery
    Look in your agreement to see between which times we will come to you.
Show all FAQs
  • More topics
  • Cash Processing 21
  • Cash in Transit 6
  • Coin Services 0
  • ATM Services 0

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